Video - Top 3 Alternatives to Monopoly

Started by swoop_ds, April 04, 2018, 02:15:00 PM

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I would assume that most of you don't play much Monopoly these days, but if you do, and you want to be convinced to the contrary, I present:



Cool, Dave.  I'll have to add For Sale & StockPile to my 'try' list.

I've often thought that one challenge that our gaming community have is the perception that, to so many people out there, 'board games' means Monopoly (or Clue, Risk, Sorry, etc.).  Our slogan should be something like "So much more than Monopoly, so much more than D&D".

Hmm... I'm trying to remember... have I played Monopoly in the last decade... nope, probably not.  Maybe 15 or 20 years ago.