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Messages - wendyj

Can you sign up Wendy Johnson and Kristy Smith for lords of water deep
 Please change amerigo to 630 and take me out if formula d it's Wendy, I allready talked with kristy about this
Can u sign Wendy j for formula d and kristy s for amerigo
I would like to host a game, at 830, Amerigo , up to 4 players and 90 min long
Can you sign up Wendy j and Sam j for lords of waterdeep

Please sign up Wendy j for bora bora
Please sign up Wendy j for power grid Korea
I am taking Cory's spot in formula d and please add Sam Johnson to this game thanks Wendy Johnson
can you sign up samantha and wendy johnson fr dominion
Can you sign you sign Samantha ans Wendy Johnson to the game food fight for the chewsday challenge on April 30th